St Joseph's University, 36, Lalbagh Road, Bengaluru-560027, Karnataka, India.
A Public-Private-Partnership University under RUSA 2.0 of MHRD (Government of India), established by the Karnataka Govt. Act No. 24 of 2021
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Social Concern:
Preparing persons for the services of others is the aims of educations in St Joseph's University. At The heart of the University in Social Concern. Students are expected to be sensitive to the poor and be persons of concern, compassion and conscience.

The jesuit view of Higher education has never been a simplistic and one-sided one. It concerns all round development with a special focus on critical praxis that engages students to yoke their academics excellence, their character development and their personal concern to the transformation of society deeply disturbed by inequality and injustice. The students that passes through jesuit higher education cannot remain isolated from the economics, political and cultural fabric of his/ her society. It is integral to higher education that he / she becomes aware of and is involved in the everyday realities of society. It is the jesuit ideal that solidarity with the people can only be achieved by 'contact' and 'participation' in the daily life of the marginalized. It is therefore the firm conviction of Jesuit Higher Education that 'personal involvement with innocent suffering, with the injustice other suffer, is the catalyst for solidarity which then gives rise to intellectual inquiry and moral reflections'.

In alignment with Jesuits Higher Education purposes, the University Grants Commission, the Higher Education Authority in India, has recognized the relevance and importance of the purposes and practice to 'Extension' as integral to the process of learning. Hence it expects universities and Universitys, given their knowledge, human resources and infrastructure, to become positive change – makers who would empower the marginalized of the society.

The Outreach program draws its inspiration from the University's vision of formimg women and men for others. It will provide students with a platform to explore and develop the art of critical thinking, the skill of leadership and techniques of meaningful interventions aimed at building a just equitable society . It further draws its roots from the Brizilian educator Paulo Friere's Philosophy of Action – Reflection – Praxis.

In the view of the UGC and the NAAC recommendations on Extension, the objective of the outreach programme is to extend knowledge and other institutional resources to the community and vice – versa. It is two – way process between the institution and the people, an intellectual intervention in the community's living problems which need to be overcome through an educational process. Extension is a perfect blend of theory with practice.

It will orient the students with the skills required in community development and would sensitize them towards various issues of these marginalized groups and instill enough confidence and satisfaction for taking up the cause of the development of those groups.

As the name of the programme itself – BEMBALA suggests, it aims to reach out the deprived groups and vulnerable sections of society and create opportunities for education , awareness and skill enhancement. It intend to create a learning process for faculty and students through exposure to comminity needs, problems, and issues. It hopes to reach out to the community by designing need based interventions and generating research.

Eventually it will facilitate networking and linkages of the community with NGOs, institutions, and government agencies for the effective service delivery and advocacy support. It also hopes to link up with the corporate sector within the parameters of Corporate Social Responsibilities ( CSR )


There are two stages in the outreach Program:

1. The Preparation Stage : In this stage students will be equipped with the required knowledge, through HRD classes, Talks and Documentaries. In this Process Students will be able to identify students leaders and the leaders will also undergo a special training to lead the class for the outreach activity

2. The practical Stage : In this stage, the actual out - reach begins and there will be a continuous evaluations, assessment of the experiences in the programme and ongrowing formation talks.


  Under Graduate Level Post Graduate Level
Task 1 Field Visits 15 Hours 05 Hours
Task 2 Rural Exposure 30 Hours 30 Hours
Task 3 Field Visits 15 Hours 05 Hours



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