St Joseph's University, 36, Lalbagh Road, Bengaluru-560027, Karnataka, India.
A Public-Private-Partnership University under RUSA 2.0 of MHRD (Government of India), established by the Karnataka Govt. Act No. 24 of 2021
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Department of Botany

Faculty Details


Dr A Stephen

Assistant Professor,Botany

Specialisation : Palynology and Palaeobotany, Ecology, Plant Systematics, Biodiversity, Economic Botany, Ethnobotany

Employee Code : 20190101495


Faculty Details

Academic Degree Subject University Address of the University Rank/ Medals
Ph.D. Botany University of Madras University of Madras, Chepauk, Chennai Yes
M.Sc. Botany University of Madras University of Madras, Chepauk, Chennai Yes
PG Diploma Details
Programme Name Main Subject University Name Start Date End Date Mark / Grade Obtained
DELF A2 French French Ministry of Education, France 04-01-2010 06-05-2010 50
DELF A1 French French Ministry of Education, France 01-06-2009 07-11-2009 72
PhD Details
Title of Thesis University / Institution University Address Date of Registration Date of Completion Details of papers published (Enter the total number of papers published / under process as part of Phd) Current Status
Pollen analysis of lake sediments, surface soils and leaf trait measurements in the Eastern Ghats, I University of Madras Chepauk, Chennai 02-09-2005 26-02-2010 2 Research Articles, 1 Conference proceeding full paper and 9 Abstracts in Conferences/Symbosia Awarded
Post Doc Details
Institution Name Institution Address Start Date End Date Subject Outcome
French Institute of Pondicherry French Institute of Pondicherry, 11 St. Louis Street, Puducherry 01-12-2009 28-02-2013 Pollen analyses of Quaternary sediments: Reconstructing vegetation and environment History Late Pleistocene and Holocene Vegetation changes and anthropogenic impacts in the Cauvery delta plai
Books Published
Title Type No of Authors or Editors Your authorial position Year ISBN Publisher Details
Multi-Disciplinary Research and Innovation Edited 4 Other 2022 979-8885551854 Notion Press
Book Chapter Published
Article Title Book title Book editor Article pages No of Chapters Year ISBN Publisher Details
Kelp Forests - A Highly Productive Ecosystem Service at High Risk Multi-Disciplinary Research and Innovation Futane, G. S., Hadole, Ku. S. P., Stephen, A., and Yadav, W. K. 176-186 2 2022 979-8885551854 Notion Press
Photomorphogenesis, A Light-Mediated Development Emerging Trends in Life Sciences (Vol. 1) Kadam, S. 125-134 2 2022 978-81-955557-2-7 SciEng Publications
Pollen and Pollen Allergic Diseases: A Critical Appraisal Multi-Disciplinary Research and Innovation Futane, G. S., Hadole, Ku. S. P., Stephen, A., and Yadav, W. K. 204-221 2 2022 979-8885551854 Notion Press
Phyllanthus: Bhumy-Amalaki/ Keezh-Kai-Nelli, A Wonder Plant Multi-Disciplinary Research and Innovation Futane, G. S., Hadole, Ku. S. P., Stephen, A., and Yadav, W. K. 187-203 More 2022 979-8885551854 Notion Press
Bamboo: Tree or grass - a critical appraisal in the light of Indian Forest Act Multi-Disciplinary Research and Innovation Futane, G. S., Hadole, Ku. S. P., Stephen, A., and Yadav, W. K. 151-175 2 2022 979-8885551854 Notion Press
Quality Biological Science Education: Research Articles vs. Textbooks Quality in Education T. Sivasakthi Rajammal 113-116 1 2021 978-1-6780-5466-3 Lulu Publication,
Teachers vs Technology – a Critical Appraisal on the Quality of Education. Contemporary Multidisciplinary Research Trend Yadav, W. K. Futane, G. S., Sowmya. H. S., Padma, K. R., Uma, E. and Sudarshan, M. 255-263 2 2021 978-1685861445 Notion Press,
Toxicological studies on three traditionally used medicinal plants using Drosophila melanogaster. Wisdom of Indian Medicinal Plants Shivakumar Singh, P. 142-153 More 2021 978-93-5419-762-8 Immortal Publications
Online Life Science Education During the time of Pandemics: Boon or Bane? Meaningful Education Hem Raj, Kanan Kapil, Fatma Gausiya and Openderjeet Kaur 105-110 1 2021 978-93-90953-42-4 Twentyfirst Century Publications,
Consumer preference of cosmetic products in Bengaluru urban areas, Karnataka, India. Wisdom of Indian Medicinal Plants Shivakumar Singh, P. 63-72 2 2021 978-93-5419-762-8 Immortal Publications
Antimicrobial Activity of Selected Plants from Southern India: A Critical Appraisal Research Trends in MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH Volume - 14 Dr. R. Jayakumar 159-176 2 2020 978-93-89680-29-4 AkiNik Publications
Important food sources of nutraceuticals for the management of HIV. Preparation of Phytopharmaceuticals for the Management of Disorders: The Development of Nutraceutica Egbuna, C., Mishra, A. P. and Goyal, M. R. 281-286 2 2020 978-0-12-820284-5 Academic Press, Springer
Biodiversity conservation through urban forests: a case study from Chennai, India. Marine Biology and Ecology Khajure and Rathod 233-238 More 2020 978-93-89996-58-6 Narendra Publishing House,
Diversity of wild mushrooms and their antibacterial potential from south Western Ghats. Proceedings of International Conference on “Global Environmental Challenges – Role of Teachers i Anonymous 144-147 More 2016 978-93-85977-61-9 Department of Science-Education and Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Institute of Advanced Study of
Teaching Environmental Issues with Socio-Economic-Scientific Perspectives at the College level. Proceedings of International Conference on “Global Environmental Challenges – Role of Teachers i Anonymous 148-150 More 2016 978-93-85977-61-9 Proceedings of International Conference on “Global Environmental Challenges – Role of Teachers i
Western Ghats – a critical ecosystem and refuges for important medicinal plants: a case study of C Proceedings of International Conference on “Global Environmental Challenges – Role of Teachers i Anonymous 155-160 More 2016 978-93-85977-61-9 Department of Science-Education and Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Institute of Advanced Study of
Preliminary antibacterial activity of selected rhizomatous members of Zingiberaceae from south Weste Proceedings of International Conference on “Global Environmental Challenges – Role of Teachers i Anonymous 151-154 More 2016 978-93-85977-61-9 Department of Science-Education and Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Institute of Advanced Study of
Natural disasters: are they really natural? Proceedings of ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar on Infrastructural Development and Environment – I Jayakumar, X. V. 34-40 1 2016 978-83-81992-94-4 PG & Research Department of Economics, Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College (Autonomous), Chennai
Spatio-temporal changes in a vulnerable ecosystem around Pondicherry, India Proceedings of ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar on Infrastructural Development and Environment – I Jayakumar, X. V. 41-48 More 2016 978-83-81992-94-4 PG & Research Department of Economics, Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College (Autonomous), Chennai
Effect of industrial pollution on chlorophyll content and proximate composition of Millettia pinnata Proceedings of UGC sponsored National Seminar on Recent trends and future perspectives of biological Dr.G.V.Gopinath 105-108 1 2014 978-81-924835-3-5 Arumugam Pillai Seethai Ammal College, Thirupathur, Sivagangai (Dt), Tamilnadu
Histo-chemical study on Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels. seeds. Proceedings of UGC sponsored National Seminar on Recent trends and future perspectives of biological Dr.G.V.Gopinath 101-104 2 2014 978-81-924835-3-5 Arumugam Pillai Seethai Ammal College, Thirupathur, Sivagangai (Dt), Tamilnadu
Leaf trait measurements in Southern Eastern Ghats and their applications Proceedings of National Seminar on Conservation of Eastern Ghats Baquer, S. H., Krishna, I. S. R., Bhakshu, L. M. and Reddy, C. S. 188-197 1 2008 978-81-7525-955-3 EPTRI
Title Journal Name Year DOI/URL Your authorial position How many authors Clarivate IF
Green synthesis and bioactivity of Copper nanoparticles from Asparagus aethiopicus and Asparagus densiflorus. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology 2023 1st and corresponding 4 0,294
New Record of Stem Anthracnose and Dieback Disease in Jack Fruit Trees (Artocarpus heterophyllus) from Bengaluru, Karnataka, India Significances of Bioengineering & Biosciences 2022 2nd 3
Mycochemicals and antidiabetic activity of lignocolous fungi – A critical review Bionature 2022 2nd 2 2.70
Pollen based inference on Holocene sea level changes, depositional environment and climatic history Catena 2021 2nd 5 5.000-9.999
Isolation, Identification and Optimization of Cellulase Producing Bacteria from Forests of Western G Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research 2019 Other 5
in vitro antimicrobial activity, optimization of bioactive secondary metabolites and molecular chara International Research Journal of Pharmacy 2019 Other 5
Late Pleistocene and Holocene Vegetation changes and anthropogenic impacts in the Cauvery delta plai Quaternary International 2019 2nd 5 2.000-4.999
Antibacterial activity, in vitro antioxidant potential and GC-MS characterization of methanolic extr Acta Biomedica Scientia 2018 2nd 4 2.000-4.999
Isolation, Screening, Identification, and Optimization of Xylanase Producing Bacteria from Forests o International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Biotechnology 2018 Other 6
Late Pleistocene and Holocene Vegetation changes and anthropogenic impacts in the Cauvery delta plai Quaternary International 2018 2nd 5 2.000-4.999
Antibacterial activity, in vitro antioxidant potential and GC-MS characterization of methanolic extr European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2018 2nd 4 2.000-4.999
Antioxidant activity of some wild mushrooms from southern Western Ghats, India International Journal of Pharmaceutics and Drug Analysis 2018 2nd 4
Antibacterial activities of wild rhizomatous plants - Zingiber officinalis, Zingiber zerumbet (Zingi International Journal of Research in BioSciences 2018 Other 3 2.000-4.999
In vitro antibacterial activity of methanolic extract of wild mushrooms from southern Western Ghats, International Journal of Phytopharmacy Research 2018 2nd 4
PASS-assisted prediction of biological activity spectra of methanolic extract of Gymnopilus junonius European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research 2018 2nd 4 2.000-4.999
Biodiversity Register of Anna University Coast Track 2018 2nd 3
Antibacterial activities of wild rhizomatous plants - Curcuma aromatica, Curcuma longa (Zingiberacea International Journal of Scientific Research in Biological Sciences 2018 Other 3 1.000-1.999
Identification and utilization of pharmaceutically novel chemicals from plants for the treatment of Voyager 2017 1st and corresponding 3 2.000-4.999
Light microscopic study of pollen morphology on selected species of Jatropha L. Journal of Phytological Research 2017 1st and corresponding 5
Spatio-temporal changes in fringe mangrove extent in Pondicherry, India after the two phenomenal per Tropical Ecology 2016 2nd 5 1.000-1.999
Clay Mineralogy, Palynology and Geochemistry of the Paleogene sediments in Inner Fold Belt of Nagala International Research Journal of Earth Sciences 2016 Other 4
Nutritive and Therapeutic Values of Vegetables from the Markets of Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India Journal of Academia and Industrial Research 2015 1st and corresponding 2 0.001-0.999
Biochemical constituents and antioxidant potential of endophytic fungi isolated from the leaves of A Journal of Academia and Industrial Research 2015 Other 5 0.001-0.999
Diversity of Vegetables from the Markets of Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India Journal of Academia and Industrial Research 2015 1st and corresponding 6 0.001-0.999
Indian Biodiversity: Past, Present and Future International Journal of Environment and Natural Sciences 2015 1st and corresponding 3
GC-MS analysis and PASS-assisted prediction of biological activity spectra of the extract of endophy World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 2015 Other 4 5.000-9.999
Pollen – A microscopic wonder of plant kingdom. International Journal of Advanced Research in Biological Sciences 2014 1st and corresponding 1
Effect of pre-sowing treatments on seed germination of Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels. Advances in Plant Sciences 2012 1st and corresponding 3
Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels: A multipurpose tree, its phytotherapic and pharmacological uses. Journal of Phytotherapy and Pharmacology 2012 1st and corresponding 1
Natural disasters in India with special reference to Tamil Nadu Journal of Academia and Industrial Research 2012 1st and corresponding 1 0.001-0.999
Leaf classes, foliar phenology and life forms of selected woody species from the tropical forests of Check List 2012 1st and corresponding 4 0.001-0.999
An integrated inquiry of Early Cretaceous flora, Palar Basin, India Phytomorphology 2010 Corresponding 3
Facets of applied Palynology at the French Institute of Pondicherry over the last fifty years Journal of Palynology 2010 Other 4
A new microsieving technique in pollen analysis The Palaeobotanist 2008 1st 4
Impact of pollution on the quality of water in three fresh water lakes of suburban Chennai Nature Environment and Pollution Technology 2008 Other 3 1.000-1.999
Water quality status of three vulnerable fresh water lakes of suburban Chennai, India. Indian Journal of Environment and Ecoplanning 2008 2nd 4
Chemical composition of volatile oil of Thymus vulgaris L. from Western Ghats of India Journal of Spices and Aromatic Crops 2008 Other 5
In house Project (Seed Money)
Title of Project Project Start Date Project End Date Amount Received
Wood rotting Macro-fungi and their bioactive medicinal potential from Bengaluru and its environs 01-04-2021 2.8 Lakhs
Title of Paper Title of Seminar/Conference Organized by Level Start Date Place Country Duration
Identification and utilization of pharmaceutically novel chemicals from plants for the treatment of National Seminar on “Phytochemicals as Therapeutics” Department of Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology, Meenakshi College for Women (Autonomous), Kodam National 16-09-2020 Chennai India Two Days
Effect of industrial pollution on chlorophyll content and proximate composition of Millettia pinnata UGC sponsored National Seminar on “BIOVISION 2014” Recent trends and future perspectives of biol Department of Zoology and Department of Botany, Arumugam Pillai Seethai Ammal College, Thirupathur, National 05-09-2020 Thirupathur India Two Days
Histo-chemical study on Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels. seeds. UGC sponsored National Seminar on “BIOVISION 2014” Recent trends and future perspectives of biol Department of Zoology and Department of Botany, Arumugam Pillai Seethai Ammal College, Thirupathur, National 05-09-2020 Thirupathur India Two Days
Teaching Environmental Issues with Socio-Economic-Scientific Perspectives at the College level. International Conference on “Global Environmental Challenges – Role of Teachers in Evolving a Su Department of Science-Education, Institute of Advanced Study of Education (Autonomous), Saidapet, Ch International 22-06-2020 Chennai India Two Days
Phytochemical, Pharmacological Investigations and Identification of herbaceous species of Phyllanthu National Conference on “Biodiversity and Conservation: A Multidisciplinary Approach” Department of Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology, Guru Nanak College (Autonomous), Velachery, Che National 11-03-2020 Chennai India Two Days
Facets of Biodiversity and its Conservation. National Conference on “Biodiversity and Conservation: A Multidisciplinary Approach” Department of Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology, Guru Nanak College (Autonomous), Velachery, Che National 11-03-2020 Chennai India Two Days
Biological Diversity: Who Owns National Conference on “Biodiversity and Conservation: A Multidisciplinary Approach” Department of Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology, Guru Nanak College (Autonomous), Velachery, Che National 11-03-2020 Chennai India Two Days
Leaf Trait Measurements in southern Eastern Ghats and their applications National Seminar on “Conservation of Eastern Ghats” EPTRI, Hyderabad National 28-02-2020 Chennai India Two Days
Early Cretaceous Floristics of Palar Basin – An Integrated Inquiry Conference on Plant Life through the Ages Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, Lucknow National 16-02-2020 Lucknow India Two Days
Pollen analysis of a Late Holocene core from Rusulcheruvu, Central Andhra Pradesh, India XXI Indian Colloquium on Micropalaeontology and Stratigraphy Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, Lucknow National 16-02-2020 Lucknow India Two Days
A New Microsieving Technique in Pollen Analysis Diamond Jubilee International Conference on “Changing Scenario in Palaeobotany and Allied Subjects Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, Lucknow International 15-02-2020 Lucknow India Three Days
Holocene Vegetation changes in the Cauvery Floodplains, southern India: A case study. PAGES 4th Open Science Meeting on “The Past: A Compass for Future Earth” PAGES International 13-02-2020 Goa India Others
Palynological methods for land-cover reconstruction in semi-arid Peninsular India PAGES 4th Open Science Meeting on “The Past: A Compass for Future Earth” PAGES International 13-02-2020 Goa India Others
“Thane” cyclonic impact on mangroves of Puducherry, India: A preliminary assessment National Seminar on “Cyclonic Changes and Its Impact on Marine Biodiversity (CCIMBD-2012)” Research Department of Botany, Virudhunagar Hindu Nadars’ Senthikumara Nadar College, Virudhunagar National 09-02-2020 Virudhunagar India Two Days
Software cum Database for Leaf Trait Measurements: Case Study from South India PAGES 3rd “Open Science Meeting” PAGES International 08-02-2020 Corvallis USA Others
Diversity of Vegetables from Chennai (Madras) Markets used as Therapeutic Diet. UGC sponsored National Seminar on “Biodiversity and Human Health: New Perspectives” PG & Research Department of Botany, Bharathi Women’s College (Autonomous), Prakasam Salai, Bro National 06-02-2020 Chennai India One day
Plant Functional Types and Plant trait measurements in the Eastern Ghats, India Conference of the Asian Chapter of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation on the topi Asian Chapter of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation International 06-02-2020 Mahabalipuram India Others
Natural disasters: are they really natural? Indian Council of Social Science Research Sponsored National Seminar on “Infrastructural Developme PG & Research Department of Economics, Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College (Autonomous), Myl National 05-02-2020 Chennai India One day
Spatio-temporal changes in a vulnerable ecosystem around Pondicherry, India. Indian Council of Social Science Research Sponsored National Seminar on “Infrastructural Developme PG & Research Department of Economics, Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College (Autonomous), Myl National 05-02-2020 Chennai India One day
Overview of palynological studies in South India IGBP PAGES PHAROS Workshop: “Land-cover reconstructions in the monsoon affected Tropical world - p French Institute of Pondicherry, Puducherry National 27-01-2020 Pondicherry India Three Days
Diversity of plant functional types in forests of Eastern and Western Ghats, India using leaf trait -sponsored National Seminar on “The Impact of Climate Change on Biodiversity (ICCBD-2011)” Department of Plant Studies, Kanchi Mamunivar Centre for Post Graduate Studies, Pondicherry National 21-01-2020 Pondicherry India Two Days
Biodiversity conservation through urban forests: a case study from Chennai, India. National Seminar on “Environmental Conservation & Sustainable Development” Departments of Bio-Sciences (Microbiology, Botany, Zoology), Palamuru University, Mahabubnagar, Tela National 10-01-2020 Mahabubnagar, Telangana India One day
Vegetables of Chennai (Madras) markets and their Nutritive, Therapeutic Values. National Seminar on “Current Scenario of Plants as Potential Drugs” PG & Research Department of Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology, Quaid-E-Millath Government Co National 03-01-2020 Chennai India One day
Events Organized
Type of Event Level Organized by Date From Title of Event Duration Place
Seminar International Department of Botany, Botanical Society, SJU 12-07-2022 International Lecture on "IMPACT OF HERBAL MEDICINE, BIOMEDIC IN COVID MANAGEMENT, HIGHER STUDI 1 day Bengaluru
Seminar Local TransDisciplinary University, Bengaluru 05-10-2020 Vulture conservation: through education and awareness One day Bengaluru
Seminar International Department of Botany, Botanical Society, SJC 05-05-2020 International webinar on Plant Omics in Space One day
Seminar Local Department of Botany, RKM Vivekananda College, Chennai 18-03-2020 Earth Hour: Shine a light on climate action One day Chennai
Seminar Local Centre for Advanced Studies in Botany, University of Madras. 25-02-2020 Montane rainforest changes during the late Quaternary in the Horton Plains, central Sri Lanka: a mul One day Chennai
Seminar Local Department of Botany, RKM Vivekananda College, Chennai 20-02-2020 Understanding the interrelationship between prehistoric human and rain forest ecology using phytolit One day Chennai
Workshop State PG & Research Department of Botany, RKMVC 19-02-2020 Workshop on Edible Mushroom Cultivation One day Chennai
Seminar Local Department of Botany, Madras Christian College 04-01-2020 Vegetation, Climate and Glacier History in the Himalayan Region since last Pleistocene One day Chennai
Seminar Local Department of Botany, Madras Christian College 02-12-2011 “Phytoliths” One day Chennai
Participation (Seminar, Conference, Workshop)
Title of Event Type of Event Level Organized by Start Date Place Duration
Teaching, Learning and Evaluation Workshop University St. Joseph's University 28-02-2024 Bengaluru One day
Name of Consultant Name of the facility used Organization of the Consultant Name of Consultancy Project Sponsoring Agency Date of Consultancy Revenue Generated (amount in Rupees)
Dr. A. Stephen Herbarium and Flora St. Joseph's University Plant Authentication Miss. Pooja Vijayakumar Kasture, Ph.D. Research Scholar, Department of Biotechnology, School of Sciences, Jain (Deemed-to-be) University, #34, 1st Cross, J C Road, Bengaluru – 560 027 25-10-2023 500
Membership (Research body/Professional Association)
Name of the Body Position Level Start Date End Date Any other Information
Maharani Lakshmi Ammanni College for Women (Autonomous), Bengaluru External Member, Board of Examiner, Department of Botany Others 08-09-2022
Nrupathunga University, Nrupathunga Road, Bengaluru External Member, Board of Examiner, Department of Botany Others 20-04-2022
Maharani Lakshmi Ammanni College for Women (Autonomous), Bengaluru External Member, Board of Studies, Department of Botany Others 07-10-2021
National Academy of Biological Sciences (NABS) Life Member National 31-01-2019
Asia-Pacific Chemical, Biological & Environmental Engineering Society Senior Member International 24-06-2015
International Ecotourism Society Member International 04-02-2010
The World Student Community for Sustainable Development Member International 14-08-2009
International Society of Plant Morphologists Life Member International 17-07-2009
Asian Bioethics Association Member International 05-03-2009
The International Association for Ecology (INTECOL) Member International 11-09-2007
Awards, Achievements
Name of Fellowship/ Award/Achievement Level Awarded by Place Date Duration of Fellowship
Puraskara 2024 Others St Joseph's University Bengaluru 18-05-2024
Puraskara 2024 Others St Joseph's University Bengaluru 18-05-2024
Elizabeth Miller Prize for excellence in Scripture Others Madras Christian College Chennai 05-04-2022
Caithness general fund scholarship Others Madras Christian College Chennai 28-02-2022
First prize in oral presentation National National seminar on “Cyclonic Changes and Its Impact on Marine Biodiversity (CCIMBD-2012)” at Re Tamil Nadu 09-02-2022
Edward Barnes gold medal Others Madras Christian College Chennai 08-02-2022
Second rank in B.Sc. Botany Others Madras Christian College Chennai 03-02-2022
Third rank in M.Sc. Botany Others Madras Christian College Chennai 01-02-2022
Best oral presentation award National National seminar on “The Impact of Climate Change on Biodiversity (ICCBD-2011)” at Convention cu Puducherry 21-01-2022
Popular Media Articles
Serial Number Name of Article Name of the Magazine / Media Year Link
2 Motherland art – Karate Woodchips’ 04, College Union Society Magazine, Madras Christian College (Autonomous), Tambaram 01-01-2004
1 Veppa Ulagu Arivukkan 01-01-2019
3 Thirukuralum Thavarangalum Arivukkan 01-03-2019
4 Thavaram arivom - Cissus Arivukkan 01-09-2019
5 Thavaram Arivom - Plumbago Arvukkan 01-12-2020
6 Thavaram Arivom - Aerva Arivukkan 01-01-2021
7 Thavaram Arivom - Pergularia Arivukkan 01-03-2021
8 Thavaram Arivom - Flueggea Arivukkan 01-10-2021
9 Thavaram Arivom - Afrohybanthus Arivukkan 01-12-2021
10 Thavaram Arivom - Moringa Arivukkan 01-01-2022
11 Thavaram Arivom - Azadirachta Arivukkan 01-04-2022
12 Thavaram Arivom - Santalum Arivukkan 01-05-2022
14 Thavaram Arivom - Triphala Arivukkan 01-07-2022
13 Thavaram Arivom - Delonix Arivukkan 01-08-2022
15 Thavaram Arivom - Andrographis Arivukkan 01-12-2022
16 Thavaram Arivom - Pedalium murex Arivukkan 01-01-2023
22 Thavaram Arivom - Calotropis Arivukkan 01-02-2023
17 Thavaram Arivom - Justicia Arivukkan 01-03-2023
18 Thavaram_Arivom - Bauhinia Arivukkan 01-04-2023
19 Thavaram_Arivom - Saraca Arivukkan 01-05-2023
20 Thavaram Arivom - Premna Arivukkan 01-06-2023
21 Thavaram Arivom Portulaca Arivukkan 01-07-2023
23 Thavaram Arivom - Acalypha Arivukkan 01-10-2023
28 Christmas: Finding space for the Prince of Peace Remarkable 25-12-2023
24 Thavaram Arivom - Gloriosa Arivukkan 01-01-2024
25 Thavaram Aivom - Syzygium Arivukkan 01-02-2024
26 Thavaram Arivom - Acacia Arivukkan 01-03-2024
29 Past Vs Present: 1 Corinthians 15:4 in Futuristic Context Remarkable 31-03-2024
27 Thavaram Arivom - Nelumbo Arivukkan 01-04-2024
30 Thavaram Arivom - Tinospora Arivukkan 01-05-2024
31 Thavaram Arivom - Anisomeles Arivukkan 01-06-2024
32 Thavarm Arivom - Leucas Arivukkan 29-07-2024
33 Thavaram Arivom - Hygrophila Arivukkan 01-08-2024
34 Thavaram Arivom - Asparagus Arivukkan 01-09-2024
35 Thavaram Arivom - Andrographis echioides Arivukkan 01-10-2024
37 There Shall Be Showers of Blessing! Remarkable 27-10-2024
36 hkrB - Blessing: Ezekiel 34:26 Remarkable 27-10-2024
Previous Experience
Designation Institution Name Start Date End Date
Assistant Professor The Institute of TransDisciplinary Health Sciences and Technology (TransDisciplinary University) 09-06-2017 30-11-2017
Assistant Professor Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College 02-09-2013 31-05-2017
Guest Lecturer Madras Christian College 11-03-2013 31-05-2013
Guidance and Support
Title of the Paper Department Year of Guidance Type Name of the Institution Name of Students
Pollen morphological studies of selected plants from Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. BOTANY 2023-2024 Dissertation St. Joseph's University Aphuteng Debbarama (222BOT24), Thrisha B (222BOT27) and Merangmenla Priscilla Longchar (222BOT28)
Implementation of new agricultural techniques in India – A critical appraisal. BOTANY 2023-2024 Term Paper St. Joseph's University Manuel Thekkayil (222PM33)
Petiole anatomy of selected members of order Lamiales from Bengaluru, and its potential in systematics. BOTANY 2023-2024 Dissertation St. Joseph's University Bhabana Basumatary (222BOT21), Neibeinuo Solo (222BOT22) and Lorine Merian (222BOT31)
Growth and development of the Cajanus cajan under different soil conditions. BOTANY 2023-2024 Term Paper St. Joseph's University J Nivedita Immanuel (222PM14)
Herbal medicinal plants used in India: A critical appraisal with reference to indigenous medicinal s BOTANY 2022-23 Term Paper St. Joseph's University Amisha Sharma (21CEB24)
An Ethnobotanical wealth of selected tribes from East-Champaran and Siwan district of Bihar, India BOTANY 2022-2023 Term Paper St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) Sumit Soni (20CEB17)
Comparison of Air Pollution Tolerance Index and the phylogenetic significance of selected species fr BOTANY 2022-2023 Dissertation St. Joseph's University Muskaan Mohammadi (21BOT10), Cassia Jean Athaide (21BOT13) and Theertha Lakshmi (21BOT19)
Rare, Endangered and Threatened Flowering plants of Karnataka, India - a Critical Appraisal BOTANY 2022-2023 Term Paper St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) Dholakiya Namratta (20MCB07)
Pharmacological study on Aristolochia ringens BOTANY 2022-2023 Term Paper St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) Catherine Praveena J (20CEB06)
Endemic Flora of Karnataka, India BOTANY 2022-2023 Term Paper St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) Chaithanya.G.A (20MCB15)
A critical study on genus Strobilanthes (Acanthaceae) with special reference to Strobilanthes kunthi BOTANY 2022-2023 Term Paper St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) Kavya.Y (20MCB05)
Traditional herbal remedy for the treatment of gout - a critical appraisal BOTANY 2022-2023 Term Paper St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) Nilina Narzary (20MCB19)
Morphological and chemosystematic studies on five species of Malvaceae. BOTANY 2022-2023 Dissertation St. Joseph's University Amrithakrishnan (21BOT11), Ambili Kurian (21BOT07) and Tenzin Lhadoen (21BOT20)
Ricin toxin from Ricinus communis (castor beans) and its bioactivity - a critical appraisal BOTANY 2022-2023 Term Paper St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) Sanjana.M (20MCB21)
Herbal medicinal plants used in India: A critical appraisal with reference to indigenous medicinal s BOTANY 2022-2023 Term Paper St. Joseph's University Amisha Sharma (21CEB24)
Lichens as a bioindicator tool for studying pollution BOTANY 2022-2023 Term Paper St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) Aditya Bhansali (20CBZ01)
Mangroves of backwaters of Thrissur district, Kerala, India - An ecological appraisal BOTANY 2022-2023 Term Paper St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) Farhan Umar Ali (20CEB05)
Biodiversity meltdown in tropics and climate change - issues and challenges. BOTANY 2021-2022 Term Paper St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) Ajay John M (19CEB32001)
Seemaikaruvelam - Myths and beliefs - a critical analysis of scientific facts. BOTANY 2021-2022 Term Paper St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) Kuraloviya K (19CBT36017)
Medicinal plant diversity and utilization of pharmaceutically novel chemicals - a critical study BOTANY 2021-2022 Term Paper St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) Shatakshi Mishra (19MCB34019)
Green synthesis and bioactivity of nanoparticles from Asparagus aethiopicus L. and A. densiflorus (K BOTANY 2021-2022 Dissertation St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) S. R. Mohith Sai (20BOT15), Neha Pal (20BOT24), Arjun, S. (20BOT25)
Ecological and Medicinal Importance of Plants found in Bengaluru and its Environs. BOTANY 2021-2022 Term Paper St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) Anu Sharon (19CEB32007)
Pollen and Pollen Allergic Diseases: A Critical Appraisal (Published as a chapter in a book). BOTANY 2021-2022 Term Paper St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) Raicha Punnamattam (19MCB34010)
Genetically modified crops and environment - a critical appraisal BOTANY 2021-2022 Term Paper St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) Stany, B. (19MCB34032)
Morpho-anatomical identification, palynological and phytochemical analysis of Saraca asoca - a criti BOTANY 2021-2022 Dissertation St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) Prelisa Jainkumar (20BOT06), Nanda Prakash (20BOT16), Chaithra Shaji (20BOT18)
Water management in Bengaluru, India: past, present and future. BOTANY 2021-2022 Term Paper St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) Franklin William PY (19CEB32036)
Wildfire in Western Ghats, India - a critical review. BOTANY 2021-2022 Term Paper St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) Cyril John (19CEZ33019)
Quality in Education: Teachers vs Technology (Published as a chapter in a book) BOTANY 2021-2022 Term Paper St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) Madhumitha, S. (19HEP11050)
Medicinal plants: importance and their conservation. BOTANY 2020-2021 Dissertation St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) Yarmichon H. (19BOT72002)
A review on ethnobotany of wild edible plants in different parts of India BOTANY 2020-2021 Dissertation St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) Ngodup Tsering (19BOT72022)
Bioprospection of Black Rice (Chakhao) Varieties from Manipur, India. BOTANY 2020-2021 Term Paper St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) Anupama Sarangthem (18CBZ31032)
Use of Synthetic or Natural Cosmetic Product in Bangalore Urban Areas (Published as a chapter in a b BOTANY 2020-2021 Term Paper St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) Shyanu Yadav (18CBZ31075)
Bamboo: Tree or Grass – A Critical Appraisal in the light of the Indian Forest Act (Published as a BOTANY 2020-2021 Term Paper St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) Cassia Jean Athaide (18CEB32002)
Phyllanthus L. (Phyllanthaceae): A Hepatoprotective Genus in India (Published as a chapter in a book BOTANY 2020-2021 Term Paper St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) Meghana. D (18CBZ31049)
Photomorphogenesis (Published as a chapter in a book). BOTANY 2020-2021 Term Paper St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) Amber Diya Dsouza (18CBZ31010)
Lawsonia inermis L., Henna, a critical review BOTANY 2020-2021 Term Paper St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) Nowsin Khatun (18CBZ31046)
Aquatic plant diversity – importance and conservation BOTANY 2020-2021 Dissertation St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) Jagadishwar S. (19BOT72015)
Biodiversity finance and ecosystem services: a critical appraisal BOTANY 2020-2021 Term Paper St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) Shreeraj Moirangthem
Protected area on biodiversity conservation BOTANY 2020-2021 Dissertation St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) Liya Aier (19BOT72008)
Ethno-cultural significance of local plant species in tribes of Madhya Pradesh: a critical appraisal BOTANY 2020-2021 Dissertation St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) Ankit Verma (19BOT72023)
Ethnobotanical, phytotherapic, pharmacological uses and identification of selected species of Ocimum BOTANY 2020-2021 Term Paper St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) Keerthana P (18CBZ31062)
Collection, Identification and Trade of Raw Drugs from Selected Species of Phyllanthus L. (Phyllanth BOTANY 2020-2021 Term Paper St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) Thrupthi R (18CBZ31045)
Phytochemical screening of active secondary metabolites from the leaves of four Terminalia species ( BOTANY 2019-2020 Dissertation St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) Nelisha Horo (18BOT72003) and Medongulo Bapao (18BOT72030)
Traditionally Used Medicinal Plants in Somala, Chittoor District, Andhra Pradesh, India BOTANY 2019-2020 Term Paper St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) Sandhya D. (17MCB34024)
Observations on the pollination biology of Aristolochia ringens Vahl BOTANY 2019-2020 Dissertation St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) Sachin Bhaskar (18BOT72024)
Review of Three Fungal Diseases of Coffee and Its Economics of Control Measures in Chikamagalur Dist BOTANY 2019-2020 Term Paper St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) Shrusti Kagaladibba G (17MCB34007)
A comparative study on epidermal outgrowths in the selected plants in the order: Malvales BOTANY 2019-2020 Dissertation St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) Shreya, S. (18BOT72009), Malavika, S. (18BOT72017) and Sharmila S. N. (18BOT72019)
Comparative study of seed exo-morphology and phytochemical screening of selected species of Crotalar BOTANY 2019-2020 Dissertation St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) Sneha Basu (18BOT72015)
Comparative study by phytochemical and anatomical variations in Sida acuta and Sida rhombifolia. BOTANY 2019-2020 Dissertation St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) Abhiram Suresh (18BOT72026) and Shashi Shekhar (18BOT72014)
A comparative study on leaf architecture on selected species of order Lamiales in and around Bengalu BOTANY 2019-2020 Dissertation St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) Neha R (18BOT72004), Ramya G (18BOT72016) and Nandana K (18BOT72027)
Ethnobotanical Study on Certain Medicinal Plants of Longkhum Village of Mokokchung District, Nagalan BOTANY 2019-2020 Term Paper St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) Wazen Longkumer (17CBZ31023)
Ethnobotanical, Phytotherapic, Pharmacological Uses and Identification of Herbaceous Phyllanthus L. BOTANY 2019-2020 Term Paper St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) Anusree K. (17MCB34016)
Toxicology studies on three traditionally used medicinal plants using Drosophila melanogaster (Publi BOTANY 2019-2020 Dissertation St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) Sahana Kranthi (18BOT72013) and Shishira Rao H. S. (18BOT72018)
Faculty Development Program
Title of Event Type of Event Level Organized by Place Date From Date To
Refresher course in "Botany" Refresher Courses National Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi Online 29-07-2023 13-08-2023
Faculty development training program on “Research Tools and Applications” FDPs attended Others Central Library and St. Joseph’s Research Institute, St. Joseph’s University Bengaluru 04-08-2022 04-08-2022
National Seminar on “Trends in Field Plant Taxonomy and Conservation” Seminar National Department of Botany, V.V. Vanniaperumal College for Women, Viruthunagar, Tamil Nadu, India Online 07-03-2022 07-03-2022
National Webinar on “Changing Paradigms in Plant Taxonomy” Seminar National Department of Botany, Central University of Jammu Online 06-01-2022 06-01-2022
Refresher course in "Life Sciences" Refresher Courses National Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi Online 01-09-2021 15-09-2021
Workshop on “DNA Barcoding” Workshop International Department of Zoology, Nirmala College for Women Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 14-08-2021 14-08-2021
AARI Bioscience World Wide Webinar Series Session-XI, entitled "Genetic Engineering for Abiotic Seminar International Annakkili Amma Research Institute (AARI) Chennai 01-07-2020 01-07-2020
Faculty Development Programme titled ‘SJC Digital Teacher’ FDPs attended Local St. Joseph's College (autonomous), Bengaluru Bengaluru 25-06-2020 30-06-2020
Science Academies' Science Leadership Workshop FDPs attended International Central University of Punjab, Bathinda Online 22-06-2020 28-06-2020
International Webinar on Current Trends in Phytomedicine Research Seminar International Department of Botany, St. Joseph's College (Autonomous), Bengaluru Online 14-06-2020 14-06-2020
Online Faculty Development Programme on CRISP - Creative Research and Innovative SPectroscopy FDPs attended National Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis, Hindu College of Pharmacy Online 08-06-2020 13-07-2020
World Environment Day 2020 – “Celebrate Biodiversity” Seminar National Palamuru University Mahabubnagar 05-06-2020 05-06-2020
Webinar on “Bioprospecting of Medicinal Plants: Challenges and Opportunities” Seminar National PG & Research Department of Botany, V.O.Chidambaram College Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu 03-06-2020 03-06-2020
National level Webinar on Bioprospecting of Medicinal Plants: Challenges and Opportunities Seminar National PG & Research Department of Botany, V.O.Chidambaram College, Thoothukudi - 628008, Tamil Nadu Online 03-06-2020 03-06-2020
Induction Programme (Focus: Teaching, Learning & Classroom Management) FDPs attended State St. Joseph's College Bengaluru 03-06-2020 07-06-2020
Ecology: Ecosystem Dynamics and Conservation MOOCs completed International American Museum of Natural History Coursera 01-06-2020 12-07-2020
Herbal Medicine MOOCs completed International University of Minnesota Coursera 01-06-2020 12-07-2020
Biological Diversity (Theories, Measures and Data sampling techniques) MOOCs completed International National Research Tomsk State University Coursera 01-06-2020 12-07-2020
International FDP on Biological Sciences FDPs attended International Nallamuthu Gounder Mahalingam College (Autonomous), Pollachi, Tamil Nadu Online 25-05-2020 31-05-2020
"MANAGING ONLINE CLASSES and CO-CREATING MOOCS" FDPs attended National Teaching and Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi Online 20-04-2020 06-05-2020
Course on "Stress Management" Online Course/Lecture Series International Department of Management and Research, AVS College of Arts and Science Salem, Tamil Nadu, India 13-04-2020 17-04-2020
National level Symposium on Ethics, Opportunities and Challenges in the Light of National Education Conference National St. Joseph's College Bengaluru 27-02-2020 27-02-2020
Workshop on Photography by Perumal Venkatesan Workshop Local Art and Animation Society, St. Joseph's College Bengaluru 25-02-2020 25-02-2020
National Conference on “Conservation and Restoration: Western Ghats and Water” Conference National St. Joseph's College Bengaluru 20-02-2020 20-02-2020
Jesuit Lay Collaboration - JESCOL Towards Proactive Partnership Seminar State Bangalore Jesuit Education Society Bengaluru 18-02-2020 20-02-2020
National Conference on Data Revolution in Computational Biology and Drug Development Conference National Department of Botany, Computer Science and Big Data Analytics Bengaluru 17-02-2020 18-02-2020
National Conference on Biodiversity and Conservation: A Multidisciplinary Approach Conference National Department of Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology, Guru Nanak College Chennai 11-02-2020 12-02-2020
Botanical Nomenclature Workshop National Department of Botany, Bangalore University Bengaluru 08-02-2020 08-02-2020
Workshop on Methods in Plant Sciences Workshop State Department of Botany, St. Joseph's College Bengaluru 01-02-2020 01-02-2020
National Seminar on Environmental Conservation & Sustainable Development Seminar National Department of Bio-Sciences, Palamuru University Mahabubnagar, Telangana 10-01-2020 10-01-2020
Resonance @ 25 Conference National Indian Academy of Sciences Bengaluru 03-01-2020 04-01-2020
National Seminar on “Phytochemicals as Therapeutics” Seminar National Department of Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology, Meenakshi College for Women (Autonomous), Kodam Chennai 16-09-2016 17-09-2016
International Conference on “Global Challenges – Role of Teachers in Evolving a Development” Conference International Department of Science-Education, Institute of Advanced Study of Education (Autonomous), Saidapet, Ch Chennai 22-06-2016 23-06-2016
UGC Sponsored Seminar on “Plants – The Fabric of Life” Seminar National Department of Botany, Government College for Men (Autonomous), Nandanam, 600035 Chennai 24-02-2016 24-02-2016
Indian Council of Social Science Research Sponsored Conference on “Infrastructural Development Env Conference National & Research Department of Economics, Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College (Autonomous), Mylapore, Chennai 05-02-2016 05-02-2016
UGC Sponsored National Conference on “Biodiversity Human Health: New Perspectives” Conference National PG & Research Department of Botany, Bharathi Women’s College (Autonomous), Prakasam Salai, Broadwa Chennai 06-02-2015 06-02-2015
National Seminar on “Current Scenario of Plants as Potential Drugs” Seminar National PG & Research Department of Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology, Quaid-E-Millath Government Colleg Chennai 03-01-2015 03-01-2015
UGC sponsored National Seminar on “Recent trends and future perspectives of biological sciences (B Seminar National Department of Zoology and Department of Botany, Arumugam Pillai Seethai Ammal College, Thirupathur, Thirupathur 05-09-2014 06-09-2014
PAGES 4th Open Science Meeting on “The Past: A Compass Future Earth”. Conference International PAGES Goa 13-02-2013 16-02-2013
National Seminar on “Cyclonic Changes and Its Impact on Marine Biodiversity (CCIMBD-2012)” Seminar National Department of Botany, VHNSN College Virudhu Nagar 09-02-2012 10-02-2012
National Seminar on “The Impact of Climate Change on Biodiversity (ICCBD-2011)” Seminar National Department of Plant Science, KMCPGS Pondicherry 21-01-2011 22-01-2011
National Seminar on “New Facets of Evolutionary Biology”. Seminar National Chennai Local Chapter, Indian National Science Academy Chennai 17-02-2010 17-02-2010
National Seminar on “Conservation of Eastern Ghats” Seminar National EPTRI Chennai 28-12-2007 28-12-2007
XXI Indian Colloquium on Micropalaeontology and Stratigraphy Conference National Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, Lucknow Lucknow 16-11-2007 17-11-2007
Conference of the Asian Chapter of the for Tropical Biology and Conservation on the topic “Avertin Conference International Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation Mahabalipuram 06-02-2007 09-02-2007
Diamond Jubilee International Conference on “Scenario in Palaeobotany and Allied Subjects”. Conference International Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, Lucknow Lucknow 15-11-2006 17-11-2006
Inter-Collegiate Seminar on “Facets of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics” Seminar State PG Department of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics PG Department of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, Vels college of science 29-09-2003 29-09-2003
Resource Persons
Title of the Program Role Level Organized by Start Date Place Country
Induction Programme – a week-long Faculty Development Programme Invited Talk Intra Collegiate St. Joseph’s College (Autonomous), Bengaluru, India 23-07-2020 Bengaluru India
4 Biodiversity Hotspots in India Invited Talk Regional GlobalHunt Foundation, Cognizant Tech Solutions and Airforce School Hebbal 06-06-2020 Bengaluru India
World Environment Day 2020 – “Celebrate Biodiversity” Invited Talk National Palamuru University 05-06-2020 Mahabubnagar Telangana
Webinar on Indian Medicinal plants Invited Talk State Department of Zoology, Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College (Autonomous) 27-05-2020 Chennai India
AARI Bioscience webinar series Invited Talk International Annakili Amma Research Institute 15-05-2020 Chennai India
National seminar on “Conserving Plants for Generating Livelihoods” Invited Talk National Government Arts College for Men (Autonomous), Nandanam, Chennai 12-03-2020 Chennai India
National Conference on “Biodiversity Conservation of Medicinal Plants” Invited Talk National Dr. Ambedkar Govt. Arts College, Vyasarpadi, Chennai 05-03-2020 Chennai India
National seminar on “Recent Advances in Plant Sciences” Keynote Address National Laxshmi Narayana Arts and Science College for Women, Thadangam (Village), Thokkampatti (Post), Dharm 18-02-2020 Dharmapuri India
Eco-Trail program Invited Talk State World Wide Fund for Nature-India (WWF-India), Tamil Nadu State office 24-10-2018 Guindy National Park, Chennai India
Workshop on “Identification of Medicinally Important Plants” Keynote Address State Department of Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology 05-02-2018 Dr. Ambedkar Govt. Arts College, Vyasarpadi, Chennai India
One day orientation program for school pupils and teachers Invited Talk State Nature Club, World Wide Fund for Nature-India (WWF-India), Tamil Nadu State office 18-02-2016 TI Matriculation and Higher Secondary School, Ambattur, Chennai India
Workshop on “Identification of Flowering Plants of Chennai” Keynote Address State Department of Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology 12-10-2015 at Dr. Ambedkar Govt. Arts College, Vyasarpadi, Chennai India
UGC sponsored seminar on “Plant Systematics: Principles and Practices” Keynote Address State Department of Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology 11-04-2015 Dr. Ambedkar Govt. Arts College, Vyasarpadi, Chennai India
One day field based orientation program for school pupils and teachers Invited Talk State Nature Club, World Wide Fund for Nature-India (WWF-India), Tamil Nadu State office 05-02-2015 Nanmangalam Reserve Forest, Chennai India
One day Science seminar-Orientation program for school teachers Invited Talk State Cordova Publications Pvt. Ltd. 29-11-2014 Velankanni Matriculation and Higher Secondary School, Ashok Nagar, Chennai India
One day Seminar Invited Talk Diocese Eco Vision department of Diocese of Madras, Church of South India 09-02-2013 Villuppuram India
One day Seminar Invited Talk Diocese Eco Vision department of Diocese of Madras, Church of South India 03-03-2012 Nagari, Chittoor District, Andhra Pradesh India
One day Seminar Invited Talk Diocese Eco Vision department of Diocese of Madras, Church of South India 18-02-2012 St. Columba's Higher Secondary School, Chengalpattu India
Research ids
Google Scholar id ResearchGate id Orcid id Scopus Author ID Vidwan 55568541700 Vidwan ID: 295334

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