St Joseph's University, 36, Lalbagh Road, Bengaluru-560027, Karnataka, India.
A Public-Private-Partnership University under RUSA 2.0 of MHRD (Government of India), established by the Karnataka Govt. Act No. 24 of 2021
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Department of Advanced Computing

Faculty Details


Dr Sanjay Dutta

Assistant Professor,Advanced Computing

Faculty Details

Academic Degree Subject University Address of the University Rank/ Medals
Ph.D Mathematics KIIT University Bhubaneswar, Odisha
MBA HR SAm Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture Technology and Science Allahabad, India
MSc Mathematics North Eastern Hills University Shillong, Meghalaya
PhD Details
Title of Thesis University / Institution University Address Date of Registration Date of Completion Details of papers published (Enter the total number of papers published / under process as part of Phd) Current Status
Genetic Algorithm Approach for Solving Multi-Objective Fuzzy Stochastic Programming Problems and Its Applications KIIT University Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India 08-09-2014 12-11-2016 5 papers are published Awarded
Post Doc Details
Institution Name Institution Address Start Date End Date Subject Outcome
National Research University, Higher School of Economics Myasnitskaya Ulitsa, 20, Moscow, Russia, 101000 16-11-2021 31-08-2023 Mathematics Worked on Higher level of Uncertainty (Deep Uncertainty)
Books Published
Title Type No of Authors or Editors Your authorial position Year ISBN Publisher Details
Mathematics Practical With Python Authored 1 1st and corresponding 2020 13: 979-8670527576. Amazon
Title Journal Name Year DOI/URL Your authorial position How many authors Clarivate IF
Multi-Objective Fuzzy Probabilistic Programming Approach for Obtaining Optimum Crops Pattern with Water Replenishment International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics 2024 1st and corresponding 4 0.38
A Novel Approach to Solve Multi‑objective Fuzzy Stochastic Bilevel Programming Using Genetic Algorithm Operations Research Forum 2024 1st and corresponding 2 0.74
Networks under Deep Uncertainty Procedia Computer Science 2022 2nd 4 0.88
Cubic Spline Interpolation Approach to Solve Multi-Choice Programming Problem International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics 2022 1st and corresponding 2 2.31
Multi-choice Programming with Benefits Using Kriging Interpolation Method Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Sustainable Technologi 2022 1st and corresponding 2
Fuzzy Programming Approach to a Multi-Objective Fuzzy Stochastic Routing and Siting Hazardous Wastes Transportation Management 2018 1st and corresponding 3 No IF
Fuzzy Stochastic Price Scenario Based Portfolio Selection and its Application to BSE using Genetic A Applied Soft Computing 2017 1st and corresponding 4 2.000-4.999
Genetic algorithm approach for solving multi-objective fuzzy stochastic programming problem Int. J. Mathematics in Operational Research 2017 1st 3 No IF
Genetic algorithm based fuzzy stochastic transportation programming problem with continuous random v OPSEARCH 2016 1st and corresponding 3 0.001-0.999
Fuzzy Stochastic Genetic Algorithm for Obtaining Optimum Crops Pattern and Water Balance in a Farm Water Resources Management 2016 1st and corresponding 4 2.000-4.999
Computation of a Multi-Choice Fuzzy Goal Programming Problem Global journal of pure and applied mathematics 2015 2nd 4 No IF
Title of Paper Title of Seminar/Conference Organized by Level Start Date Place Country Duration
Genetic Algorithm Based Approach to Solve Multi-Objective Fuzzy Stochastic Transportation Programmin Application of Computational Techniques to Real World Problems and 43rd Annual Conference-OMS OMS National 16-01-2016 Bhubaneswar India One day
Genetic Algorithm Based Fuzzy Programming Approach to Solve Fuzzy Stochastic Multi-Objective Chance 48th Annual Convention of ORSI and International Conference on “Operational Issues in Development ORSI National 17-12-2015 Bhubaneswar India Two Days
Events Organized
Type of Event Level Organized by Date From Title of Event Duration Place
Seminar National Assam Don Bosco University, Department of Mathematics 22-07-2020 Decision Making in Pandemic Situation 1 hour 30 minutes Sonapur, Assam
Membership (Research body/Professional Association)
Name of the Body Position Level Start Date End Date Any other Information
Transportation Management Editorial Member International 19-01-2018 Membership is for 2 years
IAENG Member International 19-12-2016 Life time Member
Awards, Achievements
Name of Fellowship/ Award/Achievement Level Awarded by Place Date Duration of Fellowship
Best Research Paper Award International 9th International Conference on Information Technology and Quantitative Management Beijing, China 10-12-2022
Certificate of Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing International Elsevier Journal Netherland 30-05-2018
Prof. Ghanashyam Samal Best Paper Presentation Award National Application of Computational Techniques to Real World Problems and 43rd Annual Conference-OMS Bhubaneswar 17-01-2016
Previous Experience
Designation Institution Name Start Date End Date
Assistant Professor -2 Assam Don Bosco University 10-07-2019 31-10-2021
Assistant Professor St. Joseph's College 02-06-2018 30-06-2019
Assistant Professor DRK College of Engineering and Technology 09-01-2017 18-11-2017
Faculty Global Institute 02-09-2013 30-06-2014
Assistant Lecturer St. John's Higher Secondary School 01-07-2010 01-09-2014
Assistant Teacher St. Margaret's Higher Secondary School 18-06-2008 30-06-2010
Faculty Development Program
Title of Event Type of Event Level Organized by Place Date From Date To
UGC sponsored national level workshop on use of Latex preparation of researcg article Workshop National Baripada College Baripada, Odisha 03-09-2016 04-09-2016
Queueing Theory and Optimization: Computational Aspects and Applications Workshop Local IIT Bhubaneswar Bhubaneswar 05-03-2015 05-03-2015
National Workshop on Latex and Matlab for beginners Workshop National BITS Pilani Pilani, Rajasthan 24-12-2014 28-12-2014
Some recent advances in mathematics Others National North Eastern Hills University Shillong, Meghalaya 04-04-2007 05-04-2007
Resource Persons
Title of the Program Role Level Organized by Start Date Place Country
How to Measure Risk Invited Talk National College of Basic Science and Humanities, OUAT, Bhubaneswar, India 08-02-2023 Moscow Russia
Decision Making under Uncertainty Invited Talk International Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia 19-01-2023 Moscow Russia
Research ids
Google Scholar id ResearchGate id Orcid id Scopus Author ID Vidwan 0000-0002-6349-4920 57034741700 496525

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