

Faculty Details

Academic Degree Subject University Address of the University Rank/ Medals
MA Politics (specialisation in International Relations) Jawaharlal Nehru University Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi-110067 No
Eligibility Details
Category Subject Status
NET Political Science Cleared
PhD Details
Title of Thesis University / Institution University Address Date of Registration Date of Completion Details of papers published (Enter the total number of papers published / under process as part of Phd) Current Status
A Study on Politics of Dispossession and Underdevelopment: Appropriating Local Mechanisms in West Si University of Mysore University of Mysore, Vishwavidyala Karya Soudha, Crawford Hall, Mysuru-570005 24-04-2010 13-12-2016 1. Interrogating 'integration' in Adivasi Discourse: Customary vs. Democratic Institutions in West Awarded
Books Published
Title Type No of Authors or Editors Your authorial position Year ISBN Publisher Details
India’s Scheduled Areas: Untangling Governance, Law and Politics Edited 2 2nd 2020 9781138583726 Routledge Publications
Book Chapter Published
Article Title Book title Book editor Article pages No of Chapters Year ISBN Publisher Details
• Tribal identity and governance in State politics of Jharkhand Handbook of Tribal Politics in India Jagannath Ambagudia and Virginius Xaxa 310-323 1 2021 978935388451 Sage Publications
• Politics of Dispossession: Land, laws and protest in Jharkhand India’s Scheduled Areas: Untangling Governance, Law and Politics Varsha Bhagat-Ganguly and Sujit Kumar 118-135 1 2020 9781138583726 Routledge Publications
• Outsourcing’ in Coal Mining: Understanding Labour, Livelihood, and Mafia politics in the Coalf Change and Mobility in Contemporary India: Thinking M.N.Srinivas Today Sobin George, Manohar Yadav and Anand Inbanathan 192-207 1 2020 9780367463809 Routledge Publications
People's Response to Land Dispossession: Comparative analysis of movements across India Land Rights in India: Policies, movements, and challenges Varsha Bhagat-Ganguly 215-229 1 2016 978-1-138-95579 Routledge
Has Chotanagpur Tenancy Act lost its relevance? Debates and Issues Tenancy Laws and Practices: Emerging Issues AAA Faizi, G Iyer and Ashmeet Kaur 338-355 1 2015 9789378313844 LBSNAA and Manak Publishers
Title Journal Name Year DOI/URL Your authorial position How many authors Clarivate IF
Muzzling artistic liberty and protesting anti-conversion bill in Jharkhand Economic and Political Weekly 2019 https://www.epw.in/system/files/pdf/2019_54/2/CM_LIV_2_120119_Sujit_Kumar.pdf 1st and corresponding 1 No IF
Adivasis and the State Politics in Jharkhand Studies in Indian Politics 2018 10.1177/2321023018762821 1st and corresponding 1 No IF
• The Face and Mask of Autonomy: Reinvigorating customs among the Ho adivasis of Jharkhand Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences 2017 1st and corresponding 1 No IF
Revisiting anti-dispossession resistance movements Seminar 2016 http://www.india-seminar.com/2016/682/682_sujit_kumar.htm 1st and corresponding 1 No IF
Changing equations of Jharkhand adivasi politics Economic and Political Weekly 2015 https://www.epw.in/journal/2015/23/commentary/changing-equations-jharkhand-adivasi-politics.html 1st and corresponding 1 No IF
Interrogating 'integration' in adivasi discourse: Customary vs. democratic institutions in West Si Journal of Adivasi and Indigenous Studies 2014 http://joais.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/AUG2014.pdf 1st and corresponding 1 No IF
Title of Paper Title of Seminar/Conference Organized by Level Start Date Place Country Duration
Identity Politics and the Police State in Jharkhand: Challenges and Prospects Regions and the Centre: Emerging dynamics of Federal India since the 1990s Indian Institute of Advanced Study National 09-10-2018 Shimla India Three Days
Politics of dispossession in Jharkhand Development, dispossession and Resistance National Institute of Technology, Rourkela National 14-11-2016 Odisha India Two Days
Inroads of ‘modernity’ among Ho adivasi: A case of reinvigorating customary institutions Revisiting Adivasi Autonomy: Self, Home and Habitat Central University of Hyderabad National 19-02-2015 Hyderabad India Three Days
The ‘missing’ adivasi and impending political assertion: A case study of Jharkhand Workshop on Census data dissemination Institute for Social and Economic Change National 01-12-2014 Bengaluru India One day
Politics of Marginalisation amidst Industrial Development and People’s Movement in West Singhbhum, Democracy in India: Strengths and Weaknesses Centre for Culture and Development International 15-03-2013 Gujarat India Two Days
Awards, Achievements
Name of Fellowship/ Award/Achievement Level Awarded by Place Date Duration of Fellowship
Junior Research Fellowship National UGC New Delhi 20-03-2009 5 years